About Me

Alison looking to the right of the screen; she is wearing a black sleeveless blouse with white medallion designs. Her hair is pulled back, and she is smiling. There is a sunset behind her. Alison Lubar teaches high school English by day and yoga by night. Her life's work, aside from wordsmithing, has evolved into bringing mindfulness practices, and sometimes even poetry, to young people. Her work has been published by or appeared in SWWIM Every Day, trampset, The Esthetic Apostle, Lady Blue Literary Arts Journal, Cathexis Northwest Press, High Shelf, Gravitas, great weather for MEDIA, Toho, Rowan University’s Glassworks, Giovanni’s Room anthology queerbook, Fearsome Critters' Quaranzine, Apiary Magazine, and antonym lit.

Alison graduated from the University of Delaware in 2007, with a double major in Philosophy and Italian literature. In 2009, while teaching at University City High School in West Philadelphia, she received her MS Ed with a concentration in Urban Education from the University of Pennsylvania. In 2016, after completing a 95hr Kids' Yoga Teacher Training, she finished her RYT 200 with Anjali Power Yoga, where she teaches power vinyasa classes. Alison also currently teaches at a public high school in New Jersey, where she has created courses in philosophy, mindfulness, & yoga, and developed an restorative practices program.

Though she is Californian by birth, Alison currently lives in New Jersey with her partner and their respective dogs. She hopes to one day, with her pack, return Westward.